Usnarz-Makarowce - church and catholic parish of the Feast of the Cross


Current address of the parish:
Парафія Узвышэння Святога Крыжа
231781, в. Макараўцы, 50
Бераставіцкі р-н,
Гродзенская вобл.
Тэл.: (8-01511) 3-75-41

Parafia Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego
231781, Makarowce, 50
rajon Bierastavicki
woblasc Grodzienskaja
Tel.: +375 (1511) 3-75-41

Information available for users with the Premium registration:
Usnarz-Makarowce - church and catholic parish of the Feast of the Cross - List of settlements belonged to this parish in XIX/XX centures.List of settlements belonged to this parish in XIX/XX centures.
Usnarz-Makarowce - church and catholic parish of the Feast of the Cross - Microfilms of Church records (births, marriages, deaths)Direct links for viewing available scanned metric books of this parish.
Usnarz-Makarowce - church and catholic parish of the Feast of the Cross - Metrical books<br>(years, fund, register, the name of Archive)The information about years of the metrical books for this parish and Archive where books are stored.

Usnarz-Makarowce - catholic parish of the Feast of the Cross

Kościół parafialny Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego w Usnarzu (Makarowcach). Foto z pocz. XX w.