Великие Свирянки - деревня в Островецком районе Гродненской области Республики Беларусь.
Для этого населенного пункта на сайте Radzima.net есть следующие данные:
географические координаты местности и расположение деревни Великие Свирянки на подробной старой карте начала ХХ века и современных картах, а также местонахождение на снимках со спутника Google Maps - Google Карты;
- административно-территориальная принадлежность местности в составе Российской империи (1900-е), Польши (Второй Речи Посполитой), Республики Беларусь (2017);
- название церкви и православный приход (приходы), к которому относилась/относился деревня Великие Свирянки в начале ХХ века;
за какие года сохранились метрические книги о родившихся, бракосочетавшихся и умерших данного прихода;
- № фонда, описи, дела и адрес архива, в котором хранятся метрические книги;
- католический приход (приходы), к которому относилась/относился деревня Великие Свирянки в начале ХХ века;
- за какие года сохранились метрические книги о родившихся, бракосочетавшихся и умерших данного прихода;
- адрес архива, в котором хранятся метрические книги;
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Dear Міхал,
Thank you very much for this information about Urszula Jurgelaniec, very useful for me. She is my great grandmother. I can read a little Russian, but cursive is impossible for me. Can you read any more information in the book? The names of her parents, for example?
Other names I would like to find are:
-Marianna Kozlowska
-Franciszek Kozlowski
and their son Michał
Are they related to Antonina Kozłowska, my other great-grandmother?. I am almost sure...
Maybe you can help me. Thank you very much again.ответить
Good day!,
They are my grandparents, Bolesław Rodź (1895-1962), my grandmother Bronislawa Rodź (Szabliński) (1898-1992), and my aunt Janina Rodź (1926-?). They were Catholic Poles, lived in Swiranki (town that today belongs to Belarus, very close to the border with Lithuania). At the end of the years ´20 they migrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where in 1933 my mother, Sofia Rodź was born. I live in Buenos Aires myself.
I would make myself happy to know more about the history of my grandparents, and of course, find my family living in Belarus, Lithuania or Poland today.
My grandfather's parents were Antoniuz Rodź and Antonina Kozlowska. My grandmother's parents were Adolf Szabliński (1863-1940) and Ursula Jurgelaniec (1870-1959).
My grandfather had at least one sister, Sabinia. And my grandmother two brothers, Alexander (1903-1990) and Alfons (1914-1991).
I have several photographs and letters written in Polish, I don't speak the language.
Maybe you can help me.
Thank you so much!.ответить
On FamilySearch has a record of the baptism in the Sviranki church of Urszula Jurgelaniec, who was born on 22 October 1870 in the village of Plechocie (record no. 102).
Not all the books of this church are digitized, so I did not find other people from your list.
Village Plechocie:
Sviranki catholic church:
Poszukuję wiadomości o moim dziadku Albin Rokicki i jego bracie Serafinie.
Oboje urodzeni w Małych Świrankach. Albin ozenił się z Teofilą Sielewicz.ответить
Poszukuję rodziny Chodkiewicz i Mackiełło. Mój tata Bolesław Chodkiewicz urodził się w 1910 roku w Świrankach. Moja babcia Marianna Chodkiewicz była z domu Mackiełło.ответить
Good day!,
My grandparents, Bolesław Rodź (1895-1962), my grandmother Bronislawa Rodź (Szabliński) (1898-1992), and my aunt Janina Rodź (1926-?) were Catholic Poles, lived in Swiranki (town that today belongs to Belarus, very close to the border with Lithuania). At the end of the years ´20 they migrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where in 1933 my mother, Sofia Rodź was born. I live in Buenos Aires myself.
I would make myself happy to know more about the history of my grandparents, and of course, find my family living in Belarus, Lithuania or Poland today.
My grandfather's parents were Antoniuz Rodź and Antonina Kozlowska. My grandmother's parents were Adolf Szabliński (1863-1940) and Ursula Jurgelaniec (1870-1959).
My grandfather had at least one sister, Sabinia. And my grandmother two brothers, Alexander (1903-1990) and Alfons (1914-1991).
I know that my parents knew a lady named Chodkiewicz, who died, I think in 1938.
I have several photographs and letters written in Polish, I don't speak the language.
Maybe you can help me.
Thank you so much!.ответить