Folvarok - village in Połack district Viciebsk region of the Republic of Belarus.
There are the following data for this settlement on the website:
geographical coordinates and location of village Folvarok on the detailed map of the beginning of the XXth century and modern maps, as well as on satellite images from the Google Maps;
- administrative-territorial belonging in the Russian Empire (1900th), in the BSSR (1924-1926), in the Republic of Belarus (2017);
- name of the Orthodox parish to which belonged village Folvarok at the beginning of the XXth century
what years the Metric books about the born, married and dead of this parish have survived;
- The fund number, the inventory, and the address of the Archive in which the metric books are stored;
This information is available for registered users with a Premium plan.
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День добрый...дед...погиб в 1944 году на вашей территории и похоронен в деревне Флольварок..Дрессенского раона..судя по всему это у Вас..не могли бы сказать..сохранились ли какие места массового захоронения солдат СА..в вашем насселенном пункте??Спасибо..может документы какие,Гарипов Кашфулла Гарипович..звали его похоронен 10.07.1944..служил в части 1068 ОКШР.reply